December 1, 2010

  • new skin and look

    Well, not quite yet. I'm going to be changing it up.

    Why I'm doing this:

    • I haven't been blogging much in a while, but want to pick it up again
    • When I do write, I don't get a lot of views unless I broadcast it in all my micro-blogging/social network status updates
    • When people do come here, they are probably turned off by the layout and color scheme of the page. It used to look better, but Xanga has changed its software and layouts through many iterations, and I'm still on the old school page layout
    • It's getting increasingly hard to maintain the look & feel and the custom JavaScript and CSS that I wrote for this page.
    • My interests have changed/grown, and so have the purposes/focus of this personal blog.
      • I still love God and am passionate about Jesus Christ and spreading His fame, but I also started a new website, Awe and Reverence, to mainly focus about my reflections the Bible, and I'd like to devote more time to that.
      • I've also grown in my interests of computer science and software engineering, both professionally and personally, productivity, sports and activities (basketball, cycling, and more recently snowboarding and motorcycling).
    • A realization that I can still glorify God without being a "loud Christian" or wearing it all over my "sleeve"--but the two images on this site that stand out the most, banner graphic and background image were my original pieces of artwork and a combination of photography and my limited Photoshop skills from way back. I think this was when I was a sophomore in college...
    • My writing style has changed over time... so my Xanga is in need of a face-lift as well
    • I'm probably not taking advantage of any site-wide SEO that Xanga has been working on...
    • My OCF account is down, and I currently don't have time to get it back up--someone was trying to hack it! so it got shut down =(
    • ...

    Why stay on Xanga? Why not start a new blog?

    • WordPress would definitely be the best alternative, but...
      • My public WordPress looks pretty sad, and I don't want to spend time to maintain it.
        • It's just there because I wanted to claim the name jontsai before anyone else did (otherwise, I'd end up in the situation where "jontsai" was already on a popular service like Yahoo!--even though I work here, I still can't get that name), and for the SEO purposes.
      • A personalized blog powered by software, like Awe and Reverence (which is a website, not a blog!) would definitely be cool, but I don't want to maintain another site
    • I have a lot of posts written here on Xanga already. I want to keep all of the posts together and for visitors to be able to find them, embarrassing or not. No point in taking them down, I'm not planning on running for public office any time soon.
    • I paid $100 a while ago to become a Xanga Premium user for Life. Separately, they even awarded me a TRUE badge! Although... it seems like they added "Premium Plus".... that's understandable, everyone needs to make money...
    • Xanga's SEO is pretty good. Better than any website that I created on my own, so far...
    • I want to maintain my Xanga friends and the social features on here.
    • ...

    Enough talking, get to work. More doing!

November 30, 2010

  • please help my friend Yuriy Pasko

    Hey Everyone,

    My friend Yuriy needs your help! He has Hodgkin's Lymphoma and needs to undergo a bone marrow transplant, ideally in January 2011. Yuriy is of Ukrainian/Russian background, so if you know others with similar backgrounds, please pass this on to them.

    Yuriy needs your help! Even if you're not a potential donor yourself, passing on the word or lifting up prayers for Yuriy would be very helpful.

    Thanks so much--I really appreciate that you are even taking the time to read this. If you would like to contact Yuriy, please let me know and I will give you his information separately.


    Dear friend,

    My name is Yuriy Pasko and you may have gotten this letter from me directly, from a friend, or from a family member. I wrote this letter in hope that you could help me survive my illness. In summer of 2007 I was diagnosed with an illness called Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. This illness is a cancer that needs to be treated with chemotherapy, radiation, and sometimes more serious methods.

    I have been treated for my Lymphoma in fall of 2009 and appeared to have been healthy. After almost two years my illness has returned. I am currently getting a new treatment of chemotherapy at UCSF oncology department. My doctor has consulted with her colleagues and told me that I need to go through a serious procedure called Bone Marrow Transplant. For this procedure I need another person who can be my donor. This donor has to be very similar to me genetically and be similar to my ethnic background. My background is Russian and Ukrainian. Two of my grandparents are from Ukraine, and two of my grandparents are from different parts of Russia. That means my donor has to have a somewhat similar background. The donor can be a man or a woman. They can also have any blood type. The donor also should not be older than 60 years old.

    In America there is a Bone Marrow Donor Database. It has many people of different ethnic groups, but there are very few Russian or Ukrainian people in it. My doctor told me there may be a few matches for me, but they are not as good as could be. If a donor is not very similar to me genetically I could get very serious medical problems after the transplant. These problems could be due to rejection of tissue. If, however, the donor is very close to me, I could be cured of my illness without medical complications.

    That is why I am writing this letter to you. If you match my description, or if you know of any persons under 60, who could match and become a bone marrow donor, you could give them this letter. The only way they could sign up to become a match is by going to a website and requesting a test kit. The website is WWW.MARROW.ORG Once you are there, click on “Join The Registry”

    After you or your friend fill out the form you will receive a test kit in the mail. After you use this test kit, you send it back and in about 6 weeks the doctors will be able to see the new donors and they will be able to see if there are new matches.

    I want to briefly tell you that filling out the form from Bone Marrow Database and becoming a match is entirely voluntary process at no financial cost to you. If you are contacted by a hospital about being a match they will work around your schedule as well. If you decide to become a donor, the process of donating is very safe and does not damage the donor’s health. To donate the stem cells from your bone marrow you will be asked to go to the nearest hospital in your state where they have a hematology department. Afterward the hospital will freeze the cells and send them by plane either to me or to another recipient who needs them.

    If you have any questions about information in this letter please feel free to call me at (phone removed for internet) or email me at (email removed for internet)


    Yuriy Pasko

November 27, 2010

  • my debut in open source

    I can't believe what I just did... I spent the last 20 hours or so writing a plugin for Exaile, a Linux music player written in Python. The plugin is a web front-end/HTTP server. I had originally come across an earlier version of the plugin when Exaile was still in version 0.2.x, and with the later 0.3.x versions, the plugin broke! I wanted something like this so that I could change the music playing from my media center while it's blasting throughout the house, from ANY computer in the house. Like even from my phone. Woohoo!

    After finishing the plugin, I packaged it all up nicely and shared it with the world.

    Lots of firsts were accomplished today:

    • First Makefile that I created by hand (even with all, clean targets!)
    • First time using git and GitHub
    • First time creating a GitHub repository for the plugin
    • First time sharing my public SSH keys with... computers that I don't log into and have "physical" access to
    • First time setting up my Gravatars and email accounts
    • First time creating a disposable email address with my Yahoo! Mail Plus account, starting my new online identity in the open source community.
    • First time signing up for a Launchpad account (still not sure what it is, an open source bug tracking system? is it Linux specific?). I commented on the bug with my approach, fix, and package -
    • First time installing a PPA (Personal Package Archive) in Lucid Lynx -
    • First time writing my own serial HTTP server, and came up with my own request-window scheme for responding to AJAX callbacks

    Woohoo, I am looking forward to more hacking!

August 25, 2010

  • John Vlissides

    I am currently reading through a computer science reference/textbook called Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software for personal enrichment.

    The book was authored by four people: Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides.

    A recent/preference of mine is to read books from cover to cover, including the cover, table of contents, dedication page, foreword, introduction, preface, etc. On the dedication page, he writes (to his wife and son), "To Dru Ann and Matthew, Joshua 24:15b -- J.V."

    Joshua 24:15 (NASB) says:

    If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

    That short inscription made me curious, and I wanted to learn more about this man, a famous computer scientist who made a reference to the Bible. I was surprised with what I found.

    First, I was disappointed to find out that he had passed away in 2005; however, I was greatly encouraged by the other things that I found written of him on his wiki page (, excerpts below). John Vlissides is a man's man.

    Later that year, I noticed his inscription in the GOF book, referring to Joshua 24:15. I wrote him and asked him if he was a Christian and whether he would tell me a little about his faith. He wrote back and said something to the effect of "Yes, I am a Christian. The fundamentalist, politically incorrect kind that believes the Bible is the inerrant word of God and that we are all sinners that are going to burn in hell unless we put our faith completely in Jesus Christ who is the only way to heaven. You know, the kind that the media thinks is the most dangerous kind." At that point, he didn't know anything about my faith, but he didn't hold anything back.

    Over the years, our friendship grew and I found John to be a faithful brother, a great encourager, a brilliant-yet-humble man, a steadfast and optimistic man in the midst of trials of the kind that push many lesser men over the edge. I received a special blessing when my path crossed that of JohnVlissides.

    -- KenAuer

    Here is a link to Joshua 24:15 which was mentioned above


    January 11, 2006

    Dear Matthew, Mark, and Robert,

    You certainly are blessed to have such a wonderful account of the recollections your dad�s colleagues and friends have of him.

    As young as you are, you have your own set of memories of your dad as a father and as a husband. It is our prayer that these remembrances not be just a collection of memories but a guide and a role model as you grow and become men yourselves.

    First of all, we remember your dad as a man of God. In spite of his success in his career, he had other priorities. His first priority was his relationship with Jesus Christ. In one of our visits to the hospital, he expressed his desire to serve Him even in his illness. His family, your mom, his sons and his daughter were next in his list of importance. He loved your mom. He was so proud of you, Matthew, and your successes. He spent countless hours with you, Mark, while you were in the hospital; it became his office. You and he were �buddies�. Robert, you were his special �little boy�. He missed Helen.

    As young as your dad was at the time, he became an �elder� at the church and only stepped down to become the chairperson for Christian Education. Certainly, he undertook that responsibility because he was just as interested in your spiritual education as he was in your secular education.

    Our best memory of your dad was when we visited him in his last days. He was always cheerful, positive and interested in us, his visitors. He was sensitive and happy for good news and affected by sad news. In spite of his suffering he always said, �God is good all the time.� As we read Isaiah 43:1-5 together, he shared with us that these words were very special to him:

    	�Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.
    When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
    When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;
    The flames will not set you ablaze.
    For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy one of Israel, your Savior;
    Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you,
    Do not be afraid for I am with you.�

    Then we knew the source of your dad�s faith and courage in the midst of his losses and grave illness. Yes, your dad was a very brave man.

    Matthew, Mark and Robert, your dad is no longer with you but he leaves a giant role model for you to follow.

    We miss him too, but we will not forget him. You will always remind us of him.

    We love you,

    Ruth and Stan Schuster


    John Vlissides was a software celebrity that was not afraid to interact with the common man. I first contacted John in 2001 and he gracious enough to reply almost immediately. Even though I never met John physically, our interactions over the internet were always most rewarding. His writings on Patterns have helped me like no other author.

    One of the things that I want to remember John for is his faith in Jesus and his clear stand in this. You were an inspiration to me and an example of a true Christian who was not afraid to testify to his faith.

    John, I am deeply saddened at your departure, especially for your wife and children.

    "We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him." Rom 8:28 (CEV)

    Until we meet again, John.

    -- HeinzKabutz


    And lastly, but not leastly, the last entry on that wiki by his wife, Dru Ann Vlissides:

    I just want to thank all of you so much for your thoughtful and kind memories of John and how he's touched your lives. It's amazing to have a more intimate view of his professional life, a view that his family and friends outside of work did not know much about. While I thank all of you for sharing your testimonies and funny memories, I thought you might like a snapshot of the personal side of John Vlissides, the family man. Here I can, for my kids' sake in later years, point to how much his family meant to him.

    Matty, our first! Born December 1993

    John was thrilled. Having a brother 13 years younger, he was already experienced at playing with and changing babies. I had to learn from him!

    Helen b.March 1996 d.June 1997

    Helen was diagnosed in November 1996 with Hepatoblastoma while John was in Austria on business. He took the next flight home he could find. He was working on his book Pattern Hatching from the basement of his parents home in Virginia by day and supervising the overnight medical care for Helen in the hospital overnight.

    Mark b.June 1998

    John never struggled with Mark being born with Down Syndrome. He just trusted that God knew what He was doing by giving us this special assignment. Of course, Mark was also born with funky blood counts that were supposed to normalize out by the 2nd year. Instead, 5% of the time his condition develops into AML Leukemia. We discovered we had to go forward with the leukemia treatment the day I found out I was pregnant with #4 - Robert. Because of Chemo, John insisted on doing all the hospital time during the chemo treatment. When all traces of chemo were likely gone, he allowed me to come to the hospital by day to relieve him so he could go to the office and work alongside his colleagues, attend meetings and the like.

    Robert b. September 2000

    This picture taken at Robert's first christmas. Daddy loved spending time with him. The experienced dad! John with Mark

    Mark and John had a special relationship due to the amount of hospital time they did together. They had their own language practically. If daddy was in the room, only John could feed him. And, from the time he was an infant, they had a routine of sleeping on the sofa together. I think it was a ploy not to have to clean up the dinner dishes. But hey, he did always put Markie to bed. They had their routines.

    John with Matt and Ubb (Mark)

    John's favorite pastime was relaxing with the family after church on Sunday. Or, sometimes wrestling with the boys in the family room, or taking in a cooking show.

    John and Dru Ann at Children's Cancer Fund Fundraiser Dinner April 2005

    It's amazing to note that John lived fully and normally up until April 2005. He was feeling pretty good although he tired more easily due to the chemo treatments. But, here we are out together! A month later, he began having seizures and losing abilities to write and walk.

    Always the family man. Always content in whatever his situation. He made the most of it.

    Phillipians 4:5-7 says this: Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    John trusted those words, He lived those words. He knew God's character and he had peace in the midst of his circumstances. He IS in a better place.

    Finally friends, I hope whatever you saw or learned from John that was good, admirable, pure, lovely, excellent or praiseworthy, I hope you will appropriate that from him and make it your own. That he might continue to change this world for the better.


    Dru Ann Vlissides

    More info about John Vlissides:

    Another famous computer scientist that I am fond of is Donald Knuth, author of the well-known TAOCP series (The Art of Computer Programming), who is also a Christian and the author of the lesser-known 3:16 - Bible Texts Illuminated (

August 12, 2010

  • tshirts for sale


    I just bought 210 T shirts from Aramark Uniform because they had a $0.99 sale.

    I will be receiving on 8/24, all size L
    - 100 White 50/50 Tough Short Sleeve TShirt No Pocket
    - 40 White 50/50 Tough Long Sleeve TShirt
    - 40 Navy 50/50 Tough Long Sleeve TShirt
    - 20 Royal Blue 100% Ringspun Cotton Long Sleeve TShirt
    - 10 Green 100% Ringspun Cotton Long Sleeve TShirt

    If you want any, post here. I will sell to you for $1/each for however many you want + $1 flat if you pick up in person.

    In this format please: Item - Qty

May 13, 2010

  • donate

    If you ever find any of the content on my site(s) useful or helpful, feel free to donate! Or do it just because you want to =)

    Donate $1 by clicking the link below =)

May 7, 2010

  • Kashmiri v. UC Regents Class Action Settlement

    I get an envelope in the mailbox. Through the window, I see:

    Kashmiri v. Regents of the University of California
    Class Action Administrator
    [their address]

    April 30, 2010

    Jonathan P Tsai
    [my old Berkeley address]

    The letter was forwarded from my previous address.

    For more than a year, I had I heard about a class action suit vs UC Regents for students who overpaid tuition from year X to year Y, because UC had over-charged.. I thought it was going to be a check for $$$$$$.

    I open it...


    "Five And 82/100 Dollars"

    All that for not even $6.

    Talk about anti-climactic

    BTW, Xanga, do you miss me?
    edit 2 - including text of letter, just for a piece of history

    Attached below is your final Refund Payment from the Judgment in the class action titled Kashmiri v. Regents of the University of California. This final Refund Payment is the result of the Order Regarding Amendment of Final Plan of Distribution approved by the Court on March 30, 2010 for re-distribution of the funds that remained from the December 8, 2008 distribution. For further information regarding this case and payment, please see the information posted on the Internet at

    You must cash or deposit this check within 180 days. Any checks that are not negotiated within 180 days from the date of issue will be void and new or replacement checks will not be issued.


    Settlement Administrator

March 7, 2010

February 14, 2010

  • modesty survey

    This should have been posted two years ago, but it's never too late. Happy St. Valentine's Day!

    Dear Friends, has launched the results of their massive Modesty Survey! Over 1,600 Christian guys have answered questions on everything from glitter lotion and lip gloss to swimsuits and skirt slits! It's everything girls have ever wanted to ask guys about modesty, but were afraid to ask! For guys, it's really interesting to see what other Christian guys think!

    Most importantly, the survey is presented as a resource to help Christian girls (and guys), not a list of legalistic rules, and it is accompanied by the Modesty Survey Petition (which tons of guys have signed) which encourage young women to focus on the heart, not the hemline, to honor their parents, etc.

    The results were released on St. Valentine's Day as a gift from 1,600 Christian guys to all Christian girls -- and I can't think of a better one! Now the survey is being endorsed by people like Shaunti Feldhahn ("For Women Only") Nancy Leigh DeMoss (Revive Our Hearts), CJ Mahaney (Sovereign Grace Ministries) and Shannon Ethridge ("Every Woman's Battle")!

    Go check it out:

    But also make sure you spread the word to all your friends. We want as many Christian girls (and guys) as possible to see this, so forward this email on!

    Your (Excited) Friend,

    P.S. Guys, they are still accepting signatures for the Modesty Survey Petition, so this is an opportunity for you to still share your voice on the topic of modesty!


February 5, 2010

  • bone marrow donor needed for young girl

    Posting for a friend.


    Further details from the father, Grant Nakatani:

     My daughter Natalie has leukemia (AML) and needs a bone marrow donation in the next 30 days.  If you or anyone you know is Asian, please ask them to do a simple, painless test. They may save her life.

    Our friends put together:

    Before you sign up, please be willing to make this sacrifice. The worst thing to happen would be for you to be a match, then back out at the last minute.

    1) The initial testing phase is painless.
    You take a sterile cotton swab and wipe the inside of your cheek.
    Next, you put the swab inside the folder provided and send the self-addressed, stamped return envelope to the lab.

    Where to get the kit?
    Go to a donor drive or register for a home kit on-line:

    When you send the kit back, label it:

    2) Donating
    If you are lucky enough to be a match, there are 2 ways to donate. You
    have a choice. The doctors generally recommend one method, but ultimately you as the donor have a choice. You should NOT have to fly anywhere; most local hospitals will be able to perform either procedure.
     a) Method 1: Marrow donation
     You go to your local hospital and have a brief outpatient procedure.
     They will give you anaesthesia so you will not feel any pain during the marrow extraction.
     The doctor will poke a special needle into your hip and take some bone marrow.
     You will be discharged from the hospital later that day. You will have some discomfort in your hip for a few days and your bone marrow will regrow completely within a few weeks.

     b) Method 2: Blood cell collection
     For 4 days before the collection, you will receive one injection per day of a synthetic protein called filgrastim. Filgrastim increases your cell count.
     On the day of collection, your blood is removed from one arm and passed through a machine that separates out the collection cells.
     The remaining blood is returned to you through the other arm. The cell collection is an outpatient procedure which takes about 6-8 hours and is done over a 1-2 day period. Most donors experience headaches, or bone or muscle aches several days before the collection. This is a side effect of the filgrastim injections. The aches subside shortly after the collection.